Archaeology: Making the Invisible Visible! (Digital Eye, March 23, 2024)
(主要な研究業績についてはResearch Mapを参照ください。2019年までの全研究業績はこちらを参照ください。)
Shimoda Ichita, Haraguchi Tsuyoshi, Chiba Tatsuro, Shimoda Mariko
Discovery 4(1) 22-36 2016年1月
コー・ケーとベン・メアレア アンコール広域拠点遺跡群の建築学的研究,中央公論美術出版,387 pages, 2014(共著 以下,下田執筆文)
1.3 古代クメール都市コー・ケー遺跡群の配置における宗教的コンセプト(pp.33-56)
1.8 大型リンガ祭壇の考古学的発掘調査 (pp.114-122)
1.9「アンドン・プレン」の基礎調査 (pp.123-133)
2.2 ベン・メアレア遺跡群の建築学的概要 (pp. 144-157)
3.1 チャウ・スレイ・ビボール遺跡の建築学的調査 (pp. 209-224)
3.2 アンコールからコンポン・スヴァイのプレア・カーンまでの王道沿いに分布する宿駅寺院 (pp.
Spatial and Chronological Sketch of the Ancient City of Sambor Prei Kuk
Shimoda Ichita, Shimamoto Sae
Aséanie, vol. 29, pp.11-74, 2012
Quarries and transportation routes of Angkor monument sandstone blocks
Uchida Etsuo, Shimoda Ichita
Journal of Archaeological Science, vo. 40, Issue 2,
pp.1158-1164, 2012
竹中大具道具館研究紀要 22 pp.
89-112 2011年1月
Architecture and Foundation Structure of the Two Matchless Buddhist Temples in Southeast Asia –Borobudur and Bayon (100 Tahun Pascapemugaran Candi Borobudur)
Shimoda Ichita
Balai Konservasi Borobudur 93-113, 2012
Report on the Conservation and Restoration Work of the Southern Library of Bayon
Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor,
UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of
World Cultural Heritage, Vol. I and II (200 pages and 371 pages) , 2011
Report on the Conservation and Restoration Work of the Northern Library inside the Outermost Enclosure of Angkor Wat
Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor,
UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of World Cultural Heritage, 2010
The Master Plan for the Conservation and Restoration of the Bayon Complex, The UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of the World Cultural Heritage, 2005. (following chapter is the charged parts by Shimoda)
This report can download from here.
SHIMODA Laboratory
World Heritage Program, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, UNIVERSITY of TSUKUBA